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Sign Up

A few simple things that we ask of all walkers:


You must be 14 years of age or older on walk day. If you are under 18 then your application must be supported by an adult who will be responsible for you on the day of the walk.


You must pay the £15 entry fee and raise a minimum of £40 in sponsorship. Your sponsor money must be collected and sent to the LSW by September.


You accept full responsibility for yourself and your actions on walk day. This is a 40 mile challenge walk!


Applications for the walk close at Midnight on 31st May.


Your entry will be considered as provisional until we receive your £15 entry fee. Please make sure that this has been paid using the bank account details below to the Louise Smalley Walk Fund.


Account Name: The Louise Smalley Fund

Account Number: 9034 7167

Sort Code: 20 55 62


Please enter your name as a reference when transferring your entry fee. If you are paying for multiple walkers, please also email the following email address to enable us to make sure that applications are not considered incomplete.



If you have any further questions about enter the walk please use the email address above.


Privacy statement: We gather personal data for the sole purpose of this event. Information is stored confidentially & is only shared with LSW support, first aid & administrative staff on a need to know basis. Information is not kept longer than required for the event and is then deleted and shredded.

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